
Pastoral Letter of the Most Reverend Bernard Longley Archbishop of Birmingham for the Fourth Sunday of Easter Pastoral Letter -Fourth Sunday of Easter 2-3_May 2020

A Message from the Metropolitan Archbishops of the Catholic Church in England and Wales A People who Hope in Christ

The Messenger 14 May 2020

Coronavirus wellness leaflet v2 – Dudley Council

Car Parking. There is quite limited parking in the church car park.  Access to the church grounds & car-park is ONLY via Union Street (for sat-nav use DY8 1PJ). There is NO ACCESS from New Road (ie. the ‘ring-road’). On weekdays, for funerals, weddings, and other well-attended occasions, please use the nearby multi-storey car-park, which is signposted ‘RYEMARKET PARKING’ and which is just off the ring-road, immediately opposite the church (get in right-hand lane on ring-road).

Coffee and Tea in the Parish Centre after Sunday 10.30am Mass. All Welcome.

Music in Church for Liturgical Celebrations. Music must be chosen that is appropriate for Church. Thank you

Piety Stall is Open after the 10.30am Mass in the Parish Centre. There is a variety of religious objects / Cards. Items for All Occasions.

Parish Centre. For Information and Bookings please contact Sarah Price  (Parish Secretary) 01384 395308.

Visitation to the Sick/ Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.We are most anxious to help anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us because of illness or age or being house-bound.  If you wish to receive this Sacrament – or are going into hospital – please contact Deacon Tom or Fr Des.

Parish History:  150th History Cover (2 pages)  150th History (66 pages)