Please contact the parish priest who will be happy to begin the process or email to request a Baptismal Application form.
Parents requesting baptism are reminded that baptism can only be celebrated if the child has a baptised Catholic parent. Evidence of the Catholic parent’s baptism will be required (i.e. valid baptismal certificate) Under normal circumstances only children living within the parish can be baptised here.
Please contact the parish priest who will be happy to begin the process.
For couples who wish to marry at Our Lady and All Saints, at least one must be baptised Catholic.
Please contact the parish priest who will be happy to begin the process.
Preparation for the sacraments of first confession (year 3), first holy communion (year 4) and confirmation (year 6) takes place in the parish.
Preparation for First Confession is open to baptised Catholics in Year 3 (and above, if they have not already made their first confession) A 10 week programme takes place in the Spring term on Saturdays beginning at 4pm in the Parish Centre followed by Mass at 5pm with the parish. While the children are working with the parish catechists, you are asked to attend a parallel session, with Fr Philip where you will cover the same material so that you are fully aware of, and engaged with, what the children are learning.
The preparation programme for First Holy Communion is open to children in year 4 (and above, if they have made their First Confession). The 10 week programme takes place in the Summer term of year 4 on Saturdays beginning at 4pm in the Parish Centre followed by Mass at 5pm with the parish.
Preparation for Confirmation is open to baptised Catholics in Year 6 (and above, if they have made the their First Confession and First Holy Communion) The 10 week programme takes place in the Autumn term of year 6 on Saturdays at 3-30pm in the Parish Centre followed by Mass at 5pm with the parish.
Please contact the parish office by emailing for more information.