Welcome to our Parish website
If you volunteer within our Parish, please can you complete the volunteer information form by clicking on the following link:
The minutes of the first Parish Council meeting can be found on our Parish Council page.
The Parish Council welcomes suggestions for future agenda items via emails to the Parish Secretary with, as the subject matter, ‘’FAO of Parish Council Secretary, or, via the Suggestion Box at the rear of the church.
WEEKEND MASS TIMES SATURDAY 5pm, SUNDAY 8.30am & 11am for weekday Mass times please check our weekly newsletter.
Details of Masses and Services can be found on our Newsletter page.
Our Lady and All Saints Church is open for Private Prayer,
every Friday 8-30am – 4pm. We are looking for more volunteers on a Friday, just for an hour to sit in Church. Please sign the sheet in the porch.
You can now donate to the parish using the QR code below
Visit our youth matters page to find out about all the new events taking place in our parish
Recordings will be removed at the end of January. If you wish to keep yours please download it.
You can join us online link
Newsletter link
Follow the daily Readings at Mass. Universalis or Alive Publishing
Make an Act of Spiritual Communion – This can be done whilst you watch a live stream of Mass by saying the following prayer:
“My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.”
The God Who Speaks Weekly Meditations by Fr Dries Van den Akker S.J on the Paintings of St Matthews Gospel by Peter Clare. link
Birmingham Archdiocese: Website news link e-newsletter sign up link
Archive: link